

Sunday, May 20, 2018


Janet Varney


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If you can think back this far, you might remember a key moment during one of the 2000 presidential debates between George W. Bush and Al Gore. Gore was losing his patience with the things Bush was saying and appeared clearly irritated that he had to keep dealing with it.

And he expressed all this with a big sigh. That sigh was more meaningful than people realized. It signified the left’s complete indignation over the idea that conservative thought even exists and has to be dealt with.

Free speech has become a conservative idea by default because liberals don’t believe in it anymore. Liberals have given up on the idea of coming up with the best argument and now work tirelessly to silence their opposition so they can win the argument by default. Liberals NEED to do this because their ideas don’t work very well in the real world and if their ideas are tested and evaluated logically, they will be rejected by most people. So, how do they get around that?

Every guy out there mansplaining, there are probably 500 liberals libs planning what some conservative supposedly REALLY MEANT at exactly the same time. If you’re conservative, pretty much anything you say will be reinterpreted by liberals to mean something totally different. Against welfare, because you think it encourages people not to work? You must hate black people. We need to cut wasteful government programs? You despise poor people. You weren’t in love with Trump, but really didn’t like Hillary, so you voted for him? You obviously want to turn America into Nazi Germany AND you hate women.

None of this would be more than an annoyance except for the fact that liberals then take their completely nonsensical interpretation of what conservatives say and present it to the world as reality.

This is how, for example, tens of millions of liberals who have probably never listened to Rush Limbaugh in their entire lives think he furiously spews lies and racist rants against the poor for three hours per day.

Liberals seem to be practically incapable of taking common conservative beliefs at face value because that could lead them to intellectually engage in a debate about the best way to handle a problem, which could lead them away from liberal doctrine, which could….uh, YOU’RE A RACIST! THAT’S WHY.

The way the left sees it, it is their divine right to exercise political power in the service of their ideas, and conservatives who insist on questioning their ideas are annoying gnats getting in the way of their destiny. We are not worthy of debating, engaging or listening to.

We are merely in the way.

When you observe how often conservative speech is being silenced and oppressed these days, you need to understand that this is what’s behind it. The left wants to live in a world in which their ideas are the only ones that get heard because that is how they can obtain power and hang onto it – unchallenged – forever.

This is why:

Owners of conservative sites have noticed that the change in Facebook’s algorithm certainly seems to be hurting our traffic more than it’s hurting anyone else’s, and we somehow don’t think that’s a coincidence.

Popular conservative speakers like Ben Shapiro are violently being denied the opportunity to speak at some universities.

Kanye West was verbally attacked on social media for daring to say something nice about the president liberals hate, and for complimenting a Turning Point spokesperson, Candice Owens, for being outspoken about black people thinking for themselves.

Representative Maxine Waters even said that Kanye was “speaking out of turn”, and should not talk so much. I don’t think the Constitution designates who gets to speak first, second, third or not at all, which is what Maxine and other liberals would prefer.

ABC is now saying Roseanne will be less political. The earlier shows stood up for conservative points of view and President Trump, but the content did not fit with ABC’s 91 percent negative coverage of the president, so they want to tone it down. Roseanne Barr herself said they’re not changing a thing, so we’ll see.

Late-night comedy has become so anti-Trump that it’s not even funny anymore.

Why is this everywhere? Because the left has one game plan, and that’s to marginalize conservative thought such that people don’t even deem it worthy of being heard. We hate the poor. We’re racists and sexists. We’re bigots. We’re whatever. And the only thing to be done with us is to get us quiet and out of the way so the correct, proper people can impose the policies they know are correct.

So how do we solve the problem? Simple. Keep talking!

Don’t be intimidated when they attack you on Twitter. Don’t change the content of your message to please haters. Don’t try to appease the left when they threaten you. Don’t apologize. Don’t back down.

You know what you believe. Keep saying it. Their tactics only work when they intimidate us, so simply don’t let them. They can threaten all the boycotts and protests they want, and they often intimidate corporate CEOs who just don’t want any trouble.

But if you’re really committed to what you believe, then keep believing it and keep saying it. No one has the right to silence you.

Unless you decide to be intimidated. So don’t.
Let them sigh all they want

By Janet Varney

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