

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Hilary’s Treason has Brought us to the Brink

Hillary’s Treason Forces America to the Brink of Destruction
Finding one single redeeming characteristic attached to Hillary Clinton is all but impossible. She is arrogant, corrupt, criminal, dishonest, abusive, greedy, megalomaniacal, and she specializes in using people to accomplish her goals. No doubt we just left out a few dozen more negative characteristics.
If we can think of one positive thing to say about this woman, it would be that she is not our president. Sometimes we forget just how blessed we are that Donald Trump sent her to the showers. That said, this crazy woman still acts like she won, going on world tours and speaking on policies she has no power to change or implement. Her famous sore-loser book tour is actually a farce. And imagine the arrogance she must have to think anybody really cares “What Happened?”
There must be Democrats who cannot stand her. She has done her party very little good. She has clogged up the leadership path for decades, thereby preventing other ambitious Democrats from pursuing their goals. She has focused media attention on Democratic scandals in which she can be found at the center.
And we thought Bill was awful.
She is a drag on her party, our nation, and the world.
So how much damage has this nation-wrecker actually caused?
[A]bsolutely nobody personifies the corruption in America over the past several decades as much as Hillary Clinton. With her latest fall showing she’s still providing the world some of the best ‘comic relief’ since her ‘Weekend at Bernies’ imitation back on September 11th of 2016, the ‘gift that keeps on giving’ as we hear in the first video below, the fact that she is still walking free despite an unending laundry list of crimes is the very proof that the justice system in America was long ‘broken’ and the ‘lunatics’ had been running the asylum as even President Trump admits in a new tweet.
As Susan Duclos reported back on March 6th in this ANP story, Hillary Clinton’s tentacles go everywhere and stretch from the fake Russia investigation to the theft of the Democratic party’s nomination in 2016 from Bernie Sanders and absolutely into the justice system in America with criminal cronies including Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, James Comey and Barack Obama to name just a few of those who have ‘enabled’ Hillary to quite literally get away with murder.
But while the recent firing of Andrew McCabe shows that the house of cards Hillary has had built up around her over the past several decades may be about to come crashing down, with the entire DOJ stacked in her favor over the decades, it’s no wonder she’s still walking free despite that ‘laundry list’ including murder, obstruction of justice, money laundering, Uranium One, Benghazi and, of course, treason, which Ben left off but we’ll add on as that alone brings down nations.
This woman has been and remains a menace to the world. Perhaps even the Democrats are waking up, although whether they have the guts to retire her from public view remains in doubt.
With even Democrats now getting sick of Hillary as we hear in the 3rd video below and read in this March 13th story from Susan Duclos on ANP, should Susan be right and Hillary really be setting herself up as the ‘ultimate victim’ in her dreamed of presidential campaign against President Trump in 2020, a Democratic ‘steal’ sets us right back on the road to global tyranny.
And should Hillary be successful in 2020 and steal away the US Presidential election like she was able to steal away the DNC in 2016, Americans will have absolute proof our nation’s corruption is beyond repair and nothing will be able to stop the fulfillment of the globalists ‘new world order’ with an America no longer a sovereign nation, sold out to the highest bidder and biggest crime family.
Is Hillary running again in 2020? If that actually happens, the Democratic Party should be formally, and officially dubbed the party of cowards and wimps. If they cannot tell this has-been, never-was perversion of a leader that her time is over, the Democratic Party will have proven not only that it is hopeless, but that is nothing more than a platform for launching dangerous attacks on our country.
As we see in the March 17th tweet from President Trump above, even he knows that there was tremendous corruption at the very highest levels of the FBI, DOJ and US State Department during the Obama administration which was weaponized against him and to protect Hillary Clinton and Obama with the DOJ glossing over decades of Clinton crimes.
Yet should the FBI, DOJ and US Department of State of President Trump right themselves and take down the biggest fish out there, doing a real investigation into the seemingly unending list of crimes, maybe, just maybe, America really will one day be great again.
And while the steps that Hillary is still falling down haven’t yet landed her where she needs to be for our justice system in America and the hard working men and women at the FBI‘ that President Trump tweeted about this morning to be fully redeemed, and we certainly won’t hold our breaths waiting for Hillary to land in prison, the fact that very concrete steps are now being taken to get to the bottom of the monster that Hillary helped create shows there may indeed be light at the end of the tunnel.
With much of the deep state apparatus weaponized against President Trump and America and seemingly built up specifically to hide and protect Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama’s criminality and corruption, for President Trump to TRULY complete the process of ‘making America great again’, he’ll have to take down the ‘Clinton crime family’.
And if Jeff Sessions and the FBI follow through on what Sessions had to say this morning, that may still be forthcoming.
“The FBI expects every employee to adhere to the highest standards of honesty, integrity, and accountability. As the OPR proposal stated, ‘all FBI employees know that lacking candor under oath results in dismissal and that our integrity is our brand.'” Sessions said.
Sadly, Obama’s DOJ and FBI allowing Hillary Clinton to get away with crimes that have landed others in prison or forced them to run off to another other country with potential treason charges hanging over their heads have tainted that ‘integrity’ and ‘brand’ and the majority of the American people know it. Yet Sessions taking down McCabe gives us a sliver of hope they’ll regain it.
Absolutely. Americans must demand, not once, but repeatedly that Hillary be brought to justice. Further, that every government official she compromised be brought to justice. If that takes down half the leadership of official Washington departments and bureaucracies, so be it. If it paralyzes the functioning of the government for months, so be it.

If conservatives remain aggressive but law-abiding in their continual demands that Hillary be indicted and tried, and that her co-conspirators, numbering in the thousands, get hung out to dry as well, those conservatives will have done this nation a service that harkens back to the time of the Revolution.
And the ironic thing about it is that the Democrats would benefit too as corruption would be cleaned out of their ranks as well.
But we don’t care about the Democratic Party. We just want out country back.


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