

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Trey Gowdy challenges James Comey's 'ethics and morality'

Trey Gowdy challenges James Comey’s ‘ethics and morality’

Trey Gowdy challenges James Comey’s ‘ethics and morality’

Among congressmen, Representative Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) has become, perhaps, the most vocal opponent of the partisanship currently pervading and dividing the government. He is so fed up with it that he has decided to retire; but not without exposing the biases at the heart of the investigation into Russia-Trump collusion.

One of the chief offenders, according to Gowdy, is former FBI director James Comey. And Gowdy isn’t afraid to call Comey’s integrity into question.

Comey’s partiality

Gowdy, no stranger to interviews, appeared on Fox News Radio with Brian Kilmeade this past Friday. Up for discussion was Comey, whose memoranda, consisting of personal notes on meetings with President Trump, was recently leaked.

Those who have been following this story closely will remember that it was Comey himself who, after being fired by President Trump last May, first leaked one of his memos to a law professor. According to Gowdy, Comey, upset at being let go, did this to facilitate a special counsel investigation into ties between Trump and Russia.

Comey criticized leaks in his memos — but he leaked one of the memos to a law professor and he did it to spur special counsel,” said Gowdy. “Brian that is my problem, you did it to Trump to spur special counsel. . .”

Gowdy went on to note that Comey handled the investigation into Hilary Clinton – her use of a private email server to send confidential messages – quite differently.

Gowdy continued:

. . . when Loretta Lynch, in your judgment was not fit to oversee the Clinton e-mail investigation, you didn’t say a word to anybody. You didn’t leak it to the Washington Post, you didn’t leak it to the New York Times. You kept that secret . . . but when Trump disappointed you by firing you, you had no problems leaking. That is a double standard and is antithetical to a book on ethics and morality.

Comey, in his recently released book, describes Lynch’s investigation into Clinton as a “tortured half-out, half-in approach,” and said that he considered calling for a special prosecutor, but, thinking it “unfair,” decided not t

Memos released and leaked

Gowdy, who is the Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, has been among those calling for Comey to release his memos. On Thursday he and two colleagues – Devin Nunes (R-Cal.), chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, and Bob Goodlatte (R-Vir.), Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee – issued a statement to this effect.

On Thursday night, deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein released the memos to Congress. Not long after, the memos were leaked to reporters.

According to the three congressmen, the memos clarify several important things, including that President Trump wanted ties between his campaign and Russia investigated, and that Comey stated that he never felt obstructed or threatened while conducting his investigation.

The congressmen further believe that the memos would be “Defense Exhibit A” in any criminal case against President Trump for obstruction or interference with an ongoing investigation.

However, Democrats are claiming that the memos do none of this and that their release has even backfired. But, this is not all that surprising considering that Democrats and the mainstream media have, since his firing, been making Comey out to be a hero, despite evidence to the contrary, which has been either downplayed or ignored.

Given this, the Comey memos will probably not change anything. But perhaps nothing needs to be changed: Donald Trump, despite the best efforts of Comey and others on the left, remains president and continues to appear innocent of any wrongdoing with Russia, while Comey no longer has a position in government.

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