

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Surgeon in ER Insists 2 Gunman Shot JFK

JFK head shot angle from Limo driver

Surgeon in Parkland ER Insists Fatal JFK Head Shot Came From the Front
[Editor's Note: You can see from the description given below by Dr. Robert McClelland of JFK's massive exit wound located in the back and on the right side of JFK's skull, that this exit wound could only be created when a projectile enters from the front and exits from the right rear IF the shooter was located in front of Kennedy and somewhat to his left. That angle of entry and exist can only be created if the head shot came from Secret Service Limo driver William Greer's gun and not from the Grassy Knoll. The Grassy Knoll is located at least 45 or more degrees to Kennedy's right. If the fatal head shot had come from the Grassy Knoll, it may have entered the right front, BUT it would have to exit from the left rear.

I'm sure that elemental logic hasn't escaped Dr. McClelland's powers of observation, but the only reason he made it to the age of 83 years and was able to give this talk is because he knows what he can get away with saying about JFK's wounds, and when he can say it. Sticking with Oliver Stones' movie script that the fatal head shot came from the Grassy Knoll, along with the first shot coming from the Texas Book Depository (illogical since the wound in JFK's back is lower than the wound in his throat) is the safer route to follow since nobody in official circles wants to take on the obvious evidence of the Secret Service's role in carrying out the assassination and its subsequent cover-up. Of course, not all of the Secret Service agents were in the loop as evidenced by SA John D. Ready's perplexed reaction when told by supervisor Emory P. Roberts to stop running along the rear of JFK's limo and to get back into the Secret Service follow car. But Roberts obviously knew something as did SA Warren W. Taylor when he fired the initiating Decoy Shot at 12:30 PM from the light yellow 4 door Mercury following behind LBJ's car.

Larry Jamison's article mentions that Dr. McClelland also told the Warren Commission that the head wound could have been caused by "a handgun fired at close range" (Ref: Conspiracy of Silence, Dr. Charles A. Crenshaw, High Treason, Robert J. Groden and Harrison E. Livingstone, and Murder from Within, Fred Newcomb, and Perry Adams).

Dr. Charles Crenshaw wrote a note to Larry Jamison in January of 1994 in which he describes JFK's throat wound as a front ENTRY wound in the lower third of the neck, which means that Greer was responsible for both JFK's throat and headshot as stated in Fred Newcomb's and Perry Adams' book, Murder From Within.

There was surely a rifle shot from the Grassy Knoll, as the majority of onlookers heard the shot, some saw a puff of smoke, and many people ran towards the knoll in the immediate aftermath of the shooting, hoping to catch the shooter. Whether that shot caused the bullet hole in the Limo's windshield, or hit the curb, or some other location is unknown, but I have to concur with Newcomb and Perry's conclusion in Murder From Within that Greer fired the two shots that hit Kennedy and the one shot that struck Governor Connally in the back when he turned around to look at JFK after he was hit by the throat shot. ...Ken Adachi]

Surgeon in ER Insists 2 Gunman Shot JFK

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