

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Rush Limbaugh Turns the Sean Hannity ‘Scandal’ Around on the ‘Drive-By Media’

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Rush Limbaugh Turns the Sean Hannity ‘Scandal’ Around on the ‘Drive-By Media’
If Sean Hannity needs an advocate, he can do a lot worse than Rush Limbaugh.

In an extended monologue Tuesday, the godfather of conservative talk radio took on accusations that the Fox News host had covered up a relationship with President Donald Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen and he did it in classic Limbaugh style.

He turned the argument right back against the media — and backed up every word.

Like every other conservative commentator in the country, Hannity has been in the crosshairs of liberal media PC police going back to Trump’s successful primary campaign.

Last spring, he fought off a highly publicized accusation that he’d made an unwanted, aggressive sexual advance on a conservative pundit in Detroit.

In August of last year, he was targeted by the George Soros-funded group Media Matters, which launched a “Stop Sean Hannity” campaign aimed at his advertisers.

Now, his apparently informal ties to the lawyer who represents the president are being hailed in the media as a scandal all by itself, but Limbaugh is hitting back hard.

“Sean Hannity has not withheld anything from anybody about anything that he’s doing here. Sean Hannity is more honest, three times as honest as anybody you can pluck from the drive-by media doing their jobs each and every day,” Limbaugh said. (Transcript here.)

“Each and every day they are engaging in deceit to try to hide from you the close ties that they all have with each other. Washington, D.C., is an incestuous revolving door. And Sean Hannity is not part of the drive-by media, Washington, D.C., establishment.”

And who is the “drive-by media” establishment?

The tangled webs of influence and friendships are too extensive to publish here, though Limbaugh did a manful job of laying them out.

Here are some excerpts from Limbaugh’s breakdown:

“Jake Tapper, 1992 served as campaign press secretary for Democrat congressional candidate Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky, who is — wait for it — the mother-in-law of Chelsea Clinton. In 1997, Jake Tapper was a spokesman for Handgun Control, a gun-control advocacy group. CNN and Tapper failed to disclose Tapper’s anti-gun activism in advance of the town hall that he hosted with the Parkland students. Did any of you know any of this? …

“How often does ABC News divulge that George Stephanopoulos was a member of the Bill Clinton war room, among other things designed to destroy any woman who came forward alleging that Clinton had had an affair with her or some kind of sexual dalliance, working with James Carville? I mean, the guy never went to journalism school. He’s not a journalist. He’s a political activist and consultant disguised as a journalist. How often does ABC disclose it?…

“F. Chuck Todd! F. Chuck Todd’s wife is a Democrat activist. He’s the host of ‘Meet the Press’…. She makes lots of money working on the Bernie Sanders campaign! …

“Let’s see. Who else … Oh, we have lots. CBS News President David Rhodes. CBS News president David Rhodes is the brother of Ben Rhodes … Ben Rhodes was a top foreign policy adviser to Barack Hussein O while his brother is the president of CBS News.”

There was much, much more. And Limbaugh, as always, is worth a listen. But the point was unassailable.

There’s a good argument to be made that Hannity should have disclosed his relationship with Cohen — however minor or major it might be — if only to have avoided exactly the kinds of questions that are coming out now.

But the broader truth is that the relationship between the mainstream media and the Washington political structure is, as Limbaugh put it, “incestuous.” And it’s just as sick and harmful to the country as the word implies.

Whatever journalistic “sin” Hannity might have committed (a venial one at worst), the cardinal sins of the mainstream — especially in its bootlicking Obama years — are far greater and more dangerous to the public, but get almost no attention outside of programs like Limbaugh’s.

And if Sean Hannity was looking for an advocate, he couldn’t have asked for better.

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