

Tuesday, April 17, 2018


We've all heard it said that a "Little Tender Loving Care" goes a long way into Healing what is Broken! That being said, for the most part it isn't Practiced On a Large Scale of any kind...Oh now People are quick to Criticize, Ostracize While Pointing out Every Error you've ever made (including Future ones) but "Nurturing" well for the most part you can forget that one! I guess the Truth is the so-called Cures for what Ales seems to be Obscured, Blurred or Misunderstood Completely ...Remember the old song from the 60's: "What The World Needs Now Is Love Sweet Love" well LIBERALISM "Pissed All Over That Parade" Or maybe that's what "New Math" was all about...NOTHING makes sense anymore & as for as "Logic & Reason"goes they can't even make the cut for a Television Game or Quiz Show! By Thai I mean the  only Propose that Television serves any more (for Decades) is the Promotion of "Left Wing Propaganda"...That is "Indoctrination into Communism or Slavery" if you will...

And while I'm at it, for all you "High-Mindless Fascists" out there, unless you are in the "Upper Esholin" of the "Oligarchy" you will be a Stupid Slave like the Rest of the Minions! Just take yourself on a  trip to Russia, China, Iran, Iraq, Kenya, North Korea or Venezuela & make sure you go to the Back Alleys, the Hospitals, Homeless Shelters & Markets that serve the masses...We all know the Kings ,Queens  & False Messiahs will be "Well Taken Care Of...The Bigger Totalitarian, Socialist, Communist States are Simply "Third World Dictatorships" in Drag or Disguise!

The Show of all Shows is one that sows Hate & Division & I hate to tell you it is Thriving in Washington DC...Its a Cancer that Started  at least 200 Years ago & Specifically 100 years ago with "Woodrow Wilson" who like Lenin in Russia was in Bed with the Rothschild's...He allowed the Rothschild Federal Bank to Start, he created the INCOME TAX & he stared the First Incarnation of the One World Government with the "League Of Nations" which was later rebooted at "The United Nations" ...Pardon me while I throw up...Crap this was Decades before LSD & the Hippie Era...

Well if you could followed my drift, you can see we've been getting Served Propaganda for Decades ....And what have we to show for all of the Wars, Chaos, Anarchy & Hate? Just more of the "Same old BS" day in & day out! We've all heard the line or cliche;"That Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely" yet we deny it when its "Right Before Our Very Eyes," Why! We've all heard that a "Divided Nation Falls" & yet we are More Divided than ever...Once upon a time we could Talk, Discuss or Debate our Differences, but no more , its a all out War or Coup d’état  & being that we've Willingly become "Blinded By The Lies & Denial"  we do Nothing about it but Bitch! Hell that's all I hear day in & day is Bitching...And if you don't mind me asking, what was the Dividend or Pay out? I personally don't see anything but the "Forthcoming Ruins" that Orwell described in "1984!" When the Last Statue, Building, Picture, Memories or our Ties into our History, our Yesterdays, Our Knowledge; what will be left? ASHES & More ASHES!

Some People will say that we collectively "Lost Our Way" I however do not believe that at all! We were Driven, Taken or we Followed a Pied Piper into the Deepest, Darkest Abyss & were Abandoned! We were left to Starve, Fear & Die unless we relented & Embraced the Dark Side that the Evil Satanic Oligarchs like the Rothschilds, Soros, the Banksters, the Bilderbergs & all the other Elite's want.... Look at it this way, they want to Control every Breath you take, your every Thought & your Dreams! They will then tell you what to eat, when to eat, when to have sex & who to have it with, where to go & when to do it...

 Sadly the way I see it, they've essentially won..That little SEED of Hate is what Destroyed the Roman Empire & the Greek Empire.....Create Apathy & Hate & you can Manipulated anyone or anything ...There is an Over-Abundance of Hate & Haters in this World...The Kind of HATE I see today is almost like a ADDICTION, the Animals we call Humans apparently can't get enough of it...And that Runs In Parallel with the Oligarchs who are ADDICTED to Control, Drugs, Sex, Perversions, Sadism & Hedonism....And Where does this Stop & What is the End Game...That's one you have to more or less answer for yourself....Shakespeare said; "The World Was But A Stage" & he also said; "The Devils are All Here" he was correct on both accounts ..

© Robby Bowling
The Satanic Master listens
As his Disciples all belch & fart
All his little Liberals are Such Haters
And they've more than played their part
They smile when its painful
They just love to thrust the knife
And turn it ever so very slow
They want to take our life
How very strange what they call pleasure
Or is this insanity on the rise
Blindness comes in many forms
And it should come as no surprise
There's nothing left of gratitude
Logic & reason have been lost
And just to think now, is now forbidden
I believe we've paid too high a cost
I guess our tomorrows are now out of reach
For all our dreams are now controlled
Our visions are now full of nothingness
And we no longer have a soul
I never thought it would come to this
And so few even put up a fight
And pretending it never happened
Will never make this right
I always thought there'd be an awakening
And we'd finally see the shore
But the nightmare returned again
You see Satan locked all the doors
I'm glad my life's at its end
I can't go on living this way
There has to be something more
Than the darkness I see in play
This is not the life I dreamed of
Nor did I expect an easy ride
Whatever happened to love & kindness
But I guess its too late to ask why

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One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


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