

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Daily Bites from “Sometimes God Has a kid’s face”: Series 3: Prayers for the Kids on the Street

Daily Bites from “Sometimes God Has a kid’s face” 

Related imageby Sister Mary Rose McGeady: 

Highlights by PL Sturgis: Sister Mary Rose wrote this little booklet for the public in 2010. She was President of Covenant House, PO box 96708. Washington DC 20090-6708, until she died in 2012 when Kevin Ryan took over as president. Covenant House depends almost entirely upon people like you to help over 60,000 runaway and homeless kids every year. They provide food, shelter, clothing, medical attention, education, vocational training, and counseling for kids with no place to go. Please help if you can?

Daily Bites of Prayers for the Kids on the Street:

Series 1:

Bite 1) The Kids in the Chapel: About the author

Bite 2)The Introduction: by Kevin Ryan

Bite 3) The Kids in the Chapel: The Kid on the Asphalt

Bite 4) The Kid lying on the Asphalt Playtime is Over

Bite 5) The Kids in the Chapel: Sandy’s Story

Series 2:

Bite 6) The Saddest Questions: Am I Still God’s Little Girl?

Bite 7) The Saddest Questions: May I Sleep Here Tonight?

Bite 8) The Saddest Questions: Do I have to go Home?

Bite 9) The Saddest Questions: Can I Make it on my own?

Bite 10) The Saddest Questions:  May I Come Back Again?

Series 3: 

 Bite 11) Should I Trust You?: Too Much to Bear

Bite 12) Should I Trust You? : Choosing the Streets

Bite 13) Should I Trust You?: Too Hurt to Cry:

Bite 14) Should I Trust You?: Dangling by a Thread

Bite 15)  Should I Trust You?: Someone to Love me

 Series 4: 

 Bite 16) My Home is Nowhere: What am I Supposed to do?

 Bite 17) My Home is Nowhere:  I Used to Live at Home

 Bite 18) My Home is Nowhere: No Bed to Sleep in

 Bite 19) My Home is Nowhere: Must I always be alone?

 Bite 20) My Home is Nowhere: Covenant House Kid’s Prayer 

Series 5:

Bite 21) When Silence Speaks Volumes: More than Words Can Say

Bite 22) When Silence Speaks Volumes: Too Heartbroken to Speak:

Bite 23) When Silence Speaks Volumes: God’s Special Kids:

Bite 24) When Silence Speaks Volumes: Searching for Victims:

Bite 25) When Silence Speaks Volumes: Do it or Die!

Series 6:

Bite 26) Incredible Danger: Brutally Victimized

Bite 27) Incredible DangerAs Long as You Care

Bite 28) Incredible Danger: Too Sad to Write

Bite 29) Incredible Danger: Just Like a Statue

Bite 30) Incredible Danger: Howie’s Story

Daily Bites of Prayers for the Kids on the Streets:

 Series 3: Should I Trust You? Bite 11) Too Much to Bear:

The Boy placed his hands over his eyes and then plopped his body on the couch in the middle of our crisis shelter floor. For the first few minutes, he was a bundle of nerves and reckless anxiety. He rocked back and forth crying and grumbling syllables I could not quite discern. Slowly I could see his mind and heart drifting away from me. the nervous rocking eased and his body began swaying back and forth in a rhythmic motion. He moved his hands away fro, his eyes and placed his thumb in his mouth. It was a long time before Joey woke up and returned back to our world. From the quizzical look on his face, I could tell he was surprised to see me still standing there. “I’m sorry I acted like that,” he said. “It’s just when things get so bad I can’t deal with it and I have to get away!” Joey leaned forward and then stood up. “I understand,” I told him. 

Series 3: Should I Trust You? Bite 12) Choosing the Streets:

Billy got up and walked around the couch and then sat down again. “Do you want to tell me why you came to Covenant House?” I asked. “I guess I just couldn’t take it anymore,” he said. He got up and walked around the room. “It was my uncle. He kept doing stuff to me. He always came when my parents were not around.” “Did you tell your parents?” I asked. “Yes, but they didn’t believe me. They wouldn’t have cared if they had believed me. They argued all the time and they were always mad at me. when they got mad at me they would beat me. I can show you the marks.” He started to raise his shirt. “That’s okay,” I told him patting him gently on the shoulder. His voice choked up as he told me he just couldn’t take it any longer so he chose to live on the streets. “I thought it would be better but....” His voice trailed off. He didn’t need to tell me. I heard it a thousand times before from a thousand other Kids. We didn’t have to talk about it now. 

 Series 3: Should I Trust You: Bite 13) Too Hurt to Cry:

Billy bent his head down. There were no tears left. I told him he is our kid now. I put my hand on his shoulder and told him what a great kid he really is. His family had abused him and life on the streets had nearly destroyed him. this is like so many of the other kids we have seen and will be coming to our doorstep in the next year. It’s not the physical they feel that most worries me, although the hunger and sickness they endure is enough to destroy any kid. the real world is so harsh, so unforgiving, so devoid of hope and love and compassion...that the kids must create another fantasy world just to survive. given what they have seen and how much they hurt, it makes perfect sense to separate from the real world. the fantasy world is the only place they can find peace and contentment. During my ten years here the number of kids with special needs have literally mushroomed.

 Series 3: Should I Trust You?: Bite 14) Dangling by a Thread:

Our world at Covenant House is increasingly difficult. Kids come to us with a whole range of special needs. Some kids require more help than the average homeless kid. There should not be an average homeless kid! I wince just writing those words. Every child deserves a happy home. More than most kids though, these kids come to us dangling by a thread, totally unattached to anyone or anything they can call their own. either we will save them or the world will lose them. Their situation is that precarious and our responsibility to them is that serious. I know you have never met any one of these children and perhaps you never will (at least not in this life) but you and God are the very best things in their life right now. Your prayers, your helping hand, and your support of this life-saving mission are all that can pull them back and give them a future, a life worth living right now.

 Series 3: Should I Trust You? Bite 15) Someone to Love Me:

Here is a prayer was written by a kid in the Covenant House Chapel: “Dear God, I just want someone to love me, someone to talk to when I need to talk. Most of all, I just want someone to love me and walk with me as far as they wish to throughout my life. Amen” I looked into her sad eyes and felt a stake piercing through my heart. “I don’t want to get in your way,” she said. She was a little kid, maybe 14 or 15. She was dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt that should have been trashed months ago. She was one of those vagabond hard-knock kids that we see so often. There were so much dirt and so much pain smeared across her face but there was no mistaking her sweetness. You would have loved her the second you laid eyes on her. “Maybe I could just get a sandwich and a drink if it wouldn’t be too much of a problem?” ... “Please come in,” I said. We have plenty of food and we are so glad you are here. 

(to be continued) 

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