

Friday, April 27, 2018

Daily Bites from “Sometimes God Has a kid’s face”: Series 2: Prayers for the Kids on the Street

Daily Bites from “Sometimes God Has a kid’s face” 

Related imageby Sister Mary Rose McGeady: 

Highlights by PL Sturgis: Sister Mary Rose wrote this little booklet for the public in 2010. She was President of Covenant House, PO box 96708. Washington DC 20090-6708, until she died in 2012 when Kevin Ryan took over as president. Covenant House depends almost entirely upon people like you to help over 60,000 runaway and homeless kids every year. They provide food, shelter, clothing, medical attention, education, vocational training, and counseling for kids with no place to go. Please help if you can?

Daily Bites of Prayers for the Kids on the Street:

Series 1:

Bite 1) The Kids in the Chapel: About the author

Bite 2)The Introduction: by Kevin Ryan

Bite 3) The Kids in the Chapel: The Kid on the Asphalt

Bite 4) The Kid lying on the Asphalt Playtime is Over

Bite 5) The Kids in the Chapel: Sandy’s Story

Series 2:

Bite 6) The Saddest Questions: Am I Still God’s Little Girl?

Bite 7) The Saddest Questions: May I Sleep Here Tonight?

Bite 8) The Saddest Questions: Do I have to go Home?

Bite 9) The Saddest Questions: Can I Make it on my own?

Bite 10) The Saddest Questions:  May I Come Back Again?

Series 3: 

 Bite 11) Should I Trust You?: Too Much to Bear

Bite 12) Should I Trust You? : Choosing the Streets

Bite 13) Should I Trust You?: Too Hurt to Cry:

Bite 14) Should I Trust You?: Dangling by a Thread

Bite 15)  Should I Trust You?: Someone to Love me

 Series 4: 

 Bite 16) My Home is Nowhere: What am I Supposed to do?

 Bite 17) My Home is Nowhere:  I Used to Live at Home

 Bite 18) My Home is Nowhere: No Bed to Sleep in

 Bite 19) My Home is Nowhere: Must I always be alone?

 Bite 20) My Home is Nowhere: Covenant House Kid’s Prayer 

Series 5:

Bite 21) When Silence Speaks Volumes: More than Words Can Say

Bite 22) When Silence Speaks Volumes: Too Heartbroken to Speak:

Bite 23) When Silence Speaks Volumes: God’s Special Kids:

Bite 24) When Silence Speaks Volumes: Searching for Victims:

Bite 25) When Silence Speaks Volumes: Do it or Die!

Series 6:

Bite 26) Incredible Danger: Brutally Victimized

Bite 27) Incredible DangerAs Long as You Care

Bite 28) Incredible Danger: Too Sad to Write

Bite 29) Incredible Danger: Just Like a Statue

Bite 30) Incredible Danger: Howie’s Story

Daily Bites of Prayers for the Kids on the Streets:

 Series 2: The Saddest Questions: Bite 6: Am I Still God’s Little Girl?
Sandra’s shoulders were slumped as she tried to finish telling me her story. “He wanted me to be a prostitute. I couldn’t bear the thought of it and I told him that. He was very angry. He held a knife to my throat. I was afraid. He said I either earn my way or he will kill me. I knew he wasn’t kidding so I did what he said.” She stopped and curled up into a ball rocking and crying. After more than 10 years since this happened, when I think of her questions it still brings tears to my eyes. “Will I ever be able to go back to before all these bad things happened so I can be God’s little girl again?”.... “ Sandra, I promise you that God can forgive you and He will see you as His little Girl again but you must forgive yourself and realize the strength you had in escaping because you cared enough to stop living that kind of life. It will never be a pretty memory and you can never go back before all these bad things happened but you can go forward.

 Series 2: The Saddest Questions: Bite 7) May I sleep Here Tonight?

Sandra went up to her room. I said a prayer that she would sleep well and wake up feeling like God’s Little Girl. These kids are so young and so much has happened to them that makes them feel ashamed. These kids are forced to make decisions between one thing they will regret forever and another thing they will regret forever. By the time they come to the Covenant House they are carrying a load so heavy that it physically bows them down. I truly God can lift that heavy burden from them. I have seen it happen time and again. That’s why I pray for them and I hope you will too. Then when Sandra woke she asked the same sad question as yesterday.... “ May I sleep here tonight?

 Series 2: The Saddest Questions: Bite 8: Do I have to go Home?

Kathleen stood in the doorway of her room at Covenant House with her hands planted firmly on either side of the door frame as if she was afraid I would physically drag her from the room. Her bright blue eyes were wide with fear. “It’s okay Kathleen if you want to leave. You said you wanted to be on your own.” ---- “Well, I do.” she said. “But I’m scared because I know what is out there! May I please just stay a little longer. I always thought things were so bad at home when my Dad got drunk and beat me, or when Mom would be drugged and so scary, but it was worse on the street. Everyone was drugged out and they all wanted something. I don’t know how to tell you but I was always scared on the street.” She paused to look into my eyes. She wanted to make sure I understood and absolutely knew the incredible fear she felt inside. I can’t stay here forever. I need to go but do I have to go home? I had seen those same questioning eyes a thousand times before. 

 Series 2: The Saddest Questions: Bite 9) Can I Make it on my own?

Like many of our Covenant House Kids Kathleen had rushed to the streets to escape a wretched and dangerous life at home. She hoped for better days ahead; a life free from the day to day abuse and terror that was slowly killing her at home. But then, as it always does with her, she found herself alone, when the reality of life on the streets caught up to her. After a couple days what had become the whole world’s simplest questions became impossible for her to answer. “Where will I sleep tonight? What am I going to eat? Does anyone care? Can I make it on my own?” Her entire world was suddenly empty of even one person she could lean on. She saw trash cans filled with food. Her stomach ached because she was so hungry. Her eyes saw old men asking for unspeakable favors. Her pockets were empty. She had a desperate need for money. She had to do something. 

 Series 2: The Saddest Questions: Bite 10) May I Come Back Again?

Kathleen saw a dark and dangerous world no kid should ever have to face. An unforgiving, unfriendly world that chews up and devours innocent kids. That is precisely why, even though she is safe here at Covenant House, her eyes are still filled with fear. She has seen unspeakable things on the street. the very idea of leaving Covenant House and facing any part of that awful world again froze her with terror. It happens with all Covenant House kids. Some of the stronger ones can somehow put it back into an airtight part of their memory where they never have to revisit it again. Others like Kathleen can never forget. One of the biggest lessons we have learned about saving kids is that we first have to save them from their fears. They will always know when they leave us that we are here for them.

(to be continued) 

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