

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

GA Grand Jury: 2024 Selection Election, Trump

GA Grand Jury: 2024 Selection Election

 In my long life, I have never – never – seen such lying, cheating, and deceit by “elected” officials who’ve allowed, endorsed, and encouraged the stealing of our elections over the past three decades.  I became aware of massive vote fraud way back in 1992.  Few Americans were interested.

Sunday, February 12, 2023



Someone Looked up Schumer’s Last Name on, Made a Shocking Discovery


File this one under the category of “shocking, but not surprising” — Chuck Schumer’s last name means exactly what you think it does.

Friday, February 10, 2023

Can Donald Trump Win in 2024 America?


Can Donald Trump Win in 2024 America?

Due to demographics, voter manipulation, and implacable ideological fault lines, the 2024 election is a potential watershed that may well be the point of no return for this nation as founded if the Democrat Party’s presidential nominee wins.  Thus, it is imperative that the Republican presidential nominee not only has a track record of defeating the radical left and facing down the media but more importantly can win the presidency in a nation far different than the America of seven years ago. 

Saturday, February 4, 2023

President Trump vs. the Swamp

President Trump vs. the Swamp

 There are two groups of Trump haters.

The first is what this writer terms, “The Weak Sister Crowd.” These are the whiners and crybabies who got their noses out of joint when Trump released a “mean” tweet that brought tears to their eyes. They’re the “Trump said boo to the _____ (insert target group here), and I’m not going vote for him ever again” brainiacs.

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Controlling Forces Determined To Rule America, Part 1


Controlling Forces Determined To Rule America, Part 1

When I was growing up there seemed to be nothing the world could do to take down America. I remember Nikita Khrushchev saying that America would fall without firing a shot because we would fall from the inside. I began to see evidence of that in the late 60s with the mindset of my generation. I realized immediately that if they get their way they wouldn’t be able to protest the way they were. I couldn’t convince any of them of that simple logic. What I didn’t see at the time is it was the Democrat Party that was the big influence. JFK was still fresh in everybody’s mind as well as RFK and MLK.

I am reminded of a speech that JFK gave just days before he was assassinated in 1963. I had been hearing about this speech for decades without really listening to it. I had an understanding of it but I never really thought that our government would allow something like that to happen.