

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Ol’ Man River is Not Rolling Along

Ol’ Man River is Not Rolling Along

If you think the price of energy and food has reached the limit, I have bad news for you: All signs are it’s going to be much worse. Hot Air described the coming supply chain wreck... Water levels on the Mississippi are tied at an all-time low. And that portends a bitter winter for consumers:

Thursday, October 20, 2022

When Lawlessness Is Law


When Lawlessness Is Law

In Britain, they have a law against wasting police time with baseless or frivolous complaints. But what if it’s the police themselves who are wasting police time?

Monday, October 17, 2022

Why Democrats WILL lose 2022 BIG


Why Democrats WILL lose 2022 BIG

Leftist-controlled pollsters are doing the best they can to make it look like democrats are running close races in the 2022 mid-terms. Certainly, election fraud will play a major role in the election, just like in 2020. But Democrats are so far behind this time, that efforts to steal another election will be blatantly obvious to everyone. Cheating is the only chance Democrats have now, so they WILL cheat.

Friday, October 14, 2022

Giving Up Our Rights Given by God


Giving Up Our Rights Given by God

The gift of Liberty was purchased for us with great sacrifice.  The men and women at our founding understood that Liberty is a gift from God and that all God’s gifts are worth our every effort to protect and keep them.  As American Citizens, we must heed the warnings of history and make every effort to pass on the gift of Liberty to our future generations.  God gives us the Liberty we enjoy.  America was built with a purpose:  to secure the blessings of Liberty for our posterity.

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Equality vs. Equity

Equality vs. Equity

 “…to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them…” U.S. Declaration of Independence

The United States of America is the direct result of people from all over the world escaping government tyranny in search of individual freedom and liberty. As has always been the case throughout human history, almost nothing on earth is more costly than freedom and liberty. It comes at the price of blood and treasure and has cost millions around the globe their lives.

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Democrats Pushing For Right To Lie, Cheat and Steal, Parts 1&2


Democrats Pushing For Right To Lie, Cheat and Steal, Part 1

I believe that America has come to a strategic inflection point.  We have to take back the politics of this country and get rid of all the corruption and knavery that is so deeply rooted in both political parties. The left was able to steal the 2020 election with massive fraud like we’ve never seen before with the full knowledge of Joe Biden.