

Thursday, May 5, 2022

THE ENEMIES WITHIN: 05/05/2022, Who Are America’s Enemies? Part 1 & 2

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TRUTH is the Enemy of Tyranny.

Image result for Tyranny

The Sleight of hand by THE ENEMIES WITHIN. 
Subversive tactics cloaked in feigned ignorance.
 By Katie 

This must stop THIS WILL STOP. 
This is Unconstitutional. 
This is the work of a subversive Inserted Manchurian via the Elites
Time to take America back as a Sovereign and Safe Country.

Image result for The luciferian elites


God Bless and Thank You Donald Trump
For Giving We the American Citizens Hope that Real Change for the Betterment and Well Being of Our Country and Citizenry is Indeed Possible

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THE ROTHSCHILD-SOROS Elites use ALINSKY tactics and over 200 front groups to bring about their NEW WORLD ORDER AND SHARIA LAW. ... They want to topple the West, the EU, and Israel. Soros has openly admitted that fact...

Who Are America’s Enemies? Part 1&2

Growing up I believed that America could do no wrong. I believed that our government was honest. I believed that I was blessed to live in such a great nation. One out of three isn’t bad I guess.  We are still blessed by God in spite of the government is influenced by the evilest force on the face of the earth.

We’ve seen the exposure of the Deep State begin when Trump was elected. And we have seen just how deep our government has been infiltrated by those that hate America. Notice when the Hunter laptop from hell was exposed just before the 2020 election there were fifty former intelligence officials who stated that the story sounded like ‘Russian disinformation”.[1] I believe that all fifty were in the Obama administration which was one of the most corrupt administrations in our history.  But now we see that the laptop was real and the information on it is very damaging. Democrats keep hollering ‘Russia, Russia’ but these fifty people who lied through their teeth are all Americans. Most may belong to the Democrat Socialists of America making them traitors in my book, but this isn’t an outside source.

The one thing I want to point out is that all of the Democrats Socialist of America (DSA) are in the Democrat Party except for Bernie Sanders, who’s an independent. That information alone should keep any patriot away from voting for anyone in the Democrat Party.  If you look at their website, which I won’t advertise here, you’ll see that they are pushing the same failed policies of the defunct USSR, Cuba, Venezuela, and all other socialist governments. Intelligent people have learned that this type of ideology has failed 100% of the time. It has to. It is built into its ideology.  I talked to one supporter of socialism and I brought up the hell the people in Venezuela are going through, eating stray animals, rummaging through garbage cans to find something to eat, raiding zoos for animals to eat and I reminded him of the collapse of the USSR.  He said that the USSR wasn’t a socialist nation.  The Union of Soviet Socialists Republic wasn’t a socialist nation. Now you see the kind of education our kids are getting in college these days. It isn’t worth $.65 let alone $65,000 annual tuition.

Socialism is a direct threat to the principles of America. From the DSAs website, they say: The Democratic Socialists of America is the largest socialist organization in the United States, with over 92,000 members and chapters in all 50 states. We believe that working people should run both the economy and society democratically to meet human needs, not to make profits for a few.[2] Notice they want a ‘democracy’ that has failed all through history and only benefitted the elite.  We are the Constitutional Republic. The ideologies are 180 degrees different. Democracy benefits the elite and the constitution republic benefits the industrious.  To have so many socialists in our government will only steer our nation down the path towards communism which is what we are seeing happen today.

Our enemies are not necessarily outside our borders. Yes, China is a threat and Russia is a threat but we have a bigger threat right inside our borders that is greater than any of those. When there is a political party that demands total control and has control of both Houses and the White House they will circumvent the Constitution wherever they can.  We say that with the Obama administration.  Biden is doing a lot of the things Obama did, depleting our military, ignoring our borders, making America weak on the international stage, and destroying the economy. Of course, the Republicans are doing very little to stop him. Again, they don’t have the vote either so it is not all their fault.

Daniel Webster gave us a warning of the only way our nation could be taken down and we are seeing it happen before our eyes:  “There is no nation on earth powerful enough to accomplish our overthrow. Our destruction, should it come at all, will be from another quarter: from the inattention of the people to the concerns of their government, from their carelessness and negligence. I must confess that I do apprehend some danger. I fear that they may place too implicit a confidence in their public servants and fail properly to scrutinize their conduct; that in this way they may be made the dupes of designing men and become the instruments of their own undoing.”

It has been said that the Democrat Party is the most dangerous threat to America in this day. They are proving that point daily.  Look at how this administration has pushed back against parents who simply don’t want their kids indoctrinated into a perverted lifestyle and being exposed to the debauchery involved in that and then they don’t want their kids to be taught that skin color decides racism. The National School Board Association demanded that parents be labeled ’domestic terrorists’ for opposing this idiocy.  Attorney General Ken Paxton has joined Indiana in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit to force the Biden Administration to release documents that will shed light on its labeling parent's domestic terrorists for voicing their opinions at school board meetings across the country. The complaint focuses on the actions of the National School Boards Association (NSBA), reportedly committed in tandem with the White House and the Department of Justice (DOJ), when they accused parents across the United States of domestic terrorism last fall.  

In a letter written to Attorney General Garland, the NSBA asked DOJ to invoke the Patriot Act to stifle parents from speaking up at school board meetings challenging their children’s indoctrination through liberal texts and racially charged, anti-white lessons, as well as the continuation of school mask mandates and remote learning.   

“There is no way the NSBA can justify why they referred to concerned parents across the country as ‘domestic terrorists’ when it is obvious that they are being targeted for their political beliefs,” Attorney General Paxton said. “The Biden Administration cannot silence parents for exercising their constitutional rights and treat them like terrorists simply for having concerns about what their children are being taught. I will not back down in this fight to preserve our kids’ hearts and minds, to protect the rights of parents to engage with their schools, and to prevent the Biden Administration’s oppressive actions.”[3]

The freedoms we enjoy were hard fought for. It cost many everything including their families. John Quincy Adams stated: Posterity: you will never know how much it has cost my generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it. I hope that this generation isn’t the one that lets it slip through their fingers. If so, we’ll never see it again.

Foot Notes

  1. Former intelligence officials warn NY Post story sounds like Russian
  3. Executive management


Who Are America’s Enemies?, Part 2

As we look closer at America’s enemies we find that most of them are in our political system.  Both parties but the worst we find is the Democrats.  It seems as if the Democrats have taken the book 1984 and are using it as a guide for how to take all our rights away and control everything we do and everywhere we go. They have no problem with violating our Constitutional rights whenever they feel like it. Of course, this is all for the good of the whole you understand. Screw your rights.  Our government needs to control our every move.

Consider some of the things they have implemented without informing the public.  “Pre-Crime” Surveillance Cameras

A company known as BRS Labs has developed “pre-crime” surveillance cameras that can supposedly determine if you are a terrorist or a criminal even before you commit a crime.

The cameras will be able to track up to 150 people at a time in real-time and will gradually build up a ‘memory’ of suspicious behavior to work out what is suspicious.[1]

Now they have technology that can capture your fingerprints from twenty feet away: Gaining access to your gym or office building could soon be as simple as waving a hand at the front door. A Huntsville, Ala.-based company called IDair is developing a system that can scan and identify a fingerprint from nearly 20 feet away. Coupled with other biometrics, it could soon allow security systems to grant or deny access from a distance, without requiring users to stop and scan a fingerprint, swipe an ID card, or otherwise lose a moment dealing with technology.[2]

I have read that when a baby is born a sample of its blood is taken, without the parent’s approval, and kept for reasons they don’t give us that make any sense.  They say it is ‘newborn screening’ for possible health disorders.  I’m not sure I believe that story but that is the excuse they use. I do know this, they are collecting as much data as they can on every human on the earth.  Newborn screening is a public health service done in each U.S. state. Every newborn is tested for a group of health disorders that aren’t otherwise found at birth.

With a simple blood test, doctors can check for rare genetic, hormone-related, and metabolic conditions that can cause serious health problems. Newborn screening lets doctors diagnose babies quickly and start treatment as soon as possible.

Which Screening Tests Are Offered?

Screening varies by state. Tests offered can change as technology advances and treatments improve. Although there are national recommendations for newborn screening, it is up to each state to decide which tests to include.[3]

India has taken it to a whole other level. I’m sure the democrats would be doing this right now if they thought they could get away with it. All over the globe, governments are developing massive biometric databases of their citizens.  Just check out what is going on in India….

In the last two years, over 200 million Indian nationals have had their fingerprints and photographs taken and irises scanned and given a unique 12-digit number that should identify them everywhere and to everyone.

This is only the beginning, and the goal is to do the same with the entire population (1.2 billion), so that poorer Indians can finally prove their existence and identity when needed for getting documents, getting help from the government, and opening banks and other accounts.[4]

It gets a little more insane when we look back at the Obama administration’s Department of Homeland Security and they define white Americans as the most likely terrorists.  A new promotional video released by the Department of Homeland Security characterizes white middle-class Americans as the most likely terrorists, as Big Sis continues its relentless drive to cement the myth that mad bombers are hiding around every corner when in reality Americans are just as likely to be killed by lightning strikes or peanut allergies.

The video is part of Homeland Security’s $10 million dollars “See Something, Say Something” program that encourages Americans to report “suspicious activity,” which in every case throughout history has been a trait of oppressive, dictatorial regimes.

In the course of the 10-minute clip, a myriad of different behaviors are characterized as terrorism, including opposing surveillance, using a video camera, talking to police officers, wearing hoodies, driving vans, writing on a piece of paper, and using a cell phone recording application.

Despite encouraging viewers not to pay attention to a person’s race in determining whether or not they may be a terrorist, almost all of the scenarios in the clip proceed to portray white people as the most likely terrorists. It comes as no surprise that this video has been pulled.

Going back to the Obama administration and looking at the trash he had in his cabinet and as his advisors, we can see where a lot of this 1984 mindset came from. His Senior Advisor was Valerie Jarret who was a major communist sympathizer. She was shoulder deep in the corrupt politics of Chicago. Valerie Jarrett is a Senior Advisor to President Barack Obama. She oversees the Offices of Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs and chairs the White House Council on Women and Girls.

Prior to joining the Obama Administration, she was the Chief Executive Officer of The Habitat Company. She also served as Co-Chair of the Obama-Biden Presidential Transition Team, and Senior Advisor to Obama’s presidential campaign.

Ms. Jarrett has held positions in both the public and private sector, including the Chairman of the Chicago Transit Board, the Commissioner of Planning and Development for the City of Chicago, and Deputy Chief of Staff for Mayor Richard M. Daley. She also practiced law with two private law firms.  

Jarrett also served as a director of corporate and not-for-profit boards, including Chairman of the Board of the Chicago Stock Exchange, Director of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, and Chairman of the University of Chicago Medical Center Board of TrusteesWe have often heard Valerie Jarrett is the de-facto President. That might not be far from the truth.

Our team has been exhaustively researching this woman,…again.

We went back over notes, articles, and saved links, as well digging deeper into new documents that we’ve gotten ahold of.

Valerie Jarret is very powerful.

As you may know, Valerie Jarrett is Obama’s closest cabinet member. That is no coincidence. She is the one who helped get him where he is.[5]

The damage this woman did to the infrastructure of our government may not be known for decades but I can assure you she is no friend to America and its way of life.

Foot Notes

  1. 14 incredibly creepy surveillance technologies that big brother will be using to spy on you
  2. 14 incredibly creepy surveillance technologies that big brother will be using to spy on you
  4. 14 incredibly creepy surveillance technologies that big brother will be using to spy on you
  5. Valerie Jarrett the real power corruption behind the oval office part-2



By Lloyd Marcus

Exposed: America's Enemies Within

My 87-year-old black Dad called to say he wanted to congratulate me for my perseverance. “You finally have me and all your siblings (4) agreeing with you.” 

My deep desire is to alert my son, daughter, and other non-political hard-working Americans of the moral, spiritual, and cultural evil threatening to overtake our great nation. No longer are we simply engaged in a battle of ideas -- Republican vs. Democrat, liberal vs. conservative. America's choice of governing has become far more daunting -- light vs. darkness, good vs. evil. “Choose ye this day, whom you will serve.”

Despite Leftist merchants of evil using big words and arrogant condescension to convince us that morality is relative, we instinctively know some things are good and some things are bad. Equally annoying is Leftists' air of superiority -- claiming to care more than us commoners about equality, saving the planet and all life; their evil intentions hidden beneath a shroud of faux compassion.

Leftists have what I call their no-pictures-please policy. They get fuming mad whenever anyone accurately describes, visualizes, or shows pictures of procedures and behaviors the Left has demanded that Americans embrace. For example: Leftists want women to freely kill their babies all the way up to moments before birth. The last thing they want the public to see is video of the partial birth abortion procedure. 

Yes, I am unequivocally saying liberals/Democrats (Leftists) are forcing their evil agenda down America's throat. “Forcing” is exactly what the Left is doing. Americans typically vote against Leftists' desire to make abhorrent behavior mainstream and transform America into a welfare state. Leftists send in their activist judges to overturn the will of We the People. After verbally slapping us around calling us racist, sexist, and homophobic, Leftist judges make what the people voted against into law.

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood… against spiritual wickedness in high places.” As I lay out the facts, you judge for yourself.

Videos exposing Planned Parenthood's inhuman thriving baby-body-parts-are-us business have horrified the nation. Americans are demanding that government stop giving PP $500 million a year of taxpayers' money.

Well, guess where the majority of PP chop shops are located? Black neighborhoods. PP founder Margaret Sanger pulled no punches. PP was started to deal with “the negro problem.” Sanger believed blacks were inferior and bred too often. Black abortions are disproportionately higher than whites.

Blacks who have not been seduced by the dark side are sounding the alarm, letting blacks know they are aborting themselves into extinction. A billboard in a black neighborhood read, “The Most Dangerous Place for An African-American Is in the Womb.” Guess who was outraged and demanded the billboard be taken down? Al Sharpton and other assorted Leftists who claim to be advocates for blacks.

Sharpton is leading the charge in the hate inspired “Black Lives Matter” movement; founded on the lie that white cops routinely murder blacks. I guess black baby lives do not matter to Sharpton when they are killed by his Leftists homeys at PP.

Here's another thing that causes one to scratch his head. Leftists are fanatical about protecting the rain forest. They say it may hold a cure for AIDS. And yet, most Leftists are obsessed with killing babies. Even after a baby survives a failed abortion, Leftists demand that medical staff let the baby die. Amazingly, a law had to be passed to end this barbaric practice. Why haven't Leftists considered the possibility that the doctor or researcher with a cure for cancer, AIDS and other diseases may have been among the 55 million babies aborted in America since 1973? 

Leftists are defending PP black marketing baby body parts. And yet, these same Leftists are tearfully outraged over the death of a furry animal and fight to their death to protect trees and imprisoned cop killers. There is something seriously wrong in people who possess such a mindset.

Good morning, Ma'am. We appreciate your patronage over the years. However, our religious conscience prevents us from baking a wedding cake for your marriage to a woman. I imagine this is pretty much how the conversation went. Well, all heck broke loose. Christian bakers Aaron and Melisa Klein had to close down their shop and the state ordered them to pay a lesbian couple $135,000 in absurd damages.

Check this out, folks. America rallied behind the Kleins and started a donations account. When the account reached $100,000, homosexuals pressured Go-Fund-Me into shutting down the account -- claiming Go-Fund-Me was supporting hate

Okay, so first homosexual activists fined the Kleins $135k. Then, they attempted to block efforts to pay the fine. So, the fine is not about paying the lesbian couple, it is about destroying the Kleins. In essence, Leftists want to hang the Kleins' economically bloody carcass in the public square as a warning to Christians who refuse to betray their faith. Can you say an assault on Christians' constitutional “free exercise of religion”, boys and girls?

Scripture says “no weapon formed against us shall prosper” and “what they meant for evil, God meant for good.” The Kleins' account has reached $372,000, thus far. Praise God!

The Kleins have five kids with whom they planned to leave their business. Leftists have other plans for the Klein family.

Dad calling me about his and my siblings' conversion was really cool. However, I am constantly thinking and praying for wisdom to awaken fellow blacks and other Americans continuously played by Leftists. I rest in the knowledge that surrendering to evil is the only way we fail.

Interviewers have asked on numerous occasions, “How do you endure the name-calling and hate you receive as a black conservative Republican?” I reply, “It is easy because I know I am on the right side...God's.”


Mainstream Media is a clear and present danger to law and order because they fuel the flames of division, and further incite chaos by hiding the real truth of who is behind this orchestrated Agenda; for the New World order, Agenda 2030, Sharia Law, and against freedom of the individual. In fact, this Agenda for NWO, and Sharia Law is against all freedoms and is against the humane treatment of women. They also sanction pedophilia and other Luciferian ideology. 

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy

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For you see, the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.

  Coningsby: Or The New Generation And, The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings, and ministers, but also with the secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments’ plans. — Benjamin Disraeli, Speech at Aylesbury, Great Britain, September 10, 1870

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