

The Idea of a Happy Future By The Left...

The Left's Idea of a Happy Future
Liberals are fond of predicting the future, and their predictions, which are always dire, then become the pretext for more government. Otherwise, they say, we'll all starve, a class war will break out, or the Earth will come to an end.

Liberals are wrong about the future because their theories are based on ideology, not on the facts. Unlike conservatives, whose ideas are grounded on prudence and a clear view of human nature, liberals really have no conception of what drives human beings:

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Officer Sicknick's death --- a clarification / Gun control executive orders


Officer Sicknick's death --- a clarification

Significantly, when Brian Sicknick’s body lay in honor in the Capitol Rotunda (a rare distinction for private citizens), it was actually in the form of cremated remains. An urn.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

13 states sue Biden over ‘power grab’...


13 states sue Biden over ‘power grab’ disguised as COVID relief package

Thanks to the Biden administration’s enthusiastic support of everything from a sweeping election overhaul to new restrictions on how coronavirus relief funds can be spent, states now find themselves subject to a whole new level of federal overreach, but the good news is that Republicans are fighting back.

As The Hill reports, an alliance of 14 GOP attorneys general filed suit against the Biden administration on Wednesday, claiming that a significant provision in the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan forbids states from using relief funds to offset tax cuts is unconstitutional.

What's on my mind? - 04/02/2021, Public Notice Of Criminal Acts...

What's on my mind?

Public Notice Of Criminal Acts Being Performed In The Legislative Body Of The State Of Delaware